Academic conference "Safety management"
Dear Sir or Madam,
On behalf of the National Security Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, we have the honor to invite you to take part in the Scientific Conference "Safety Management", which will take place in Łódź on March 16, 2017.
The aim of the conference is to present a holistic approach to issues related to security management. Planned discussion and exchange of experiences among the scientific community and practitioners of security from uniformed services and administration will be an attempt to determine the impact of social, legal and organizational, military and political conditions at the national and local level in the area in question.
We hope that the Conference will also become a place to establish and strengthen contacts facilitating joint scientific research.
We cordially invite you and we count on your participation in the conference
Yours faithfully
dr hab. Zofia Wilk-Woś, prof. SAN
chairwoman of the Conference
dr Michał Stępiński
secretary of the Conference
Scientific Committee
dr hab. Roman Patora, prof. SAN, Social Academy of Sciences, Lodz
dr hab. Piotr Rozwadowski, prof. SAN, Social Academy of Sciences, Lodz
dr hab. Jarosław Ropęga, University of Lodz
prof. dr hab. Łukasz Sułkowski, Social Academy of Sciences, Lodz
dr Jarosław Truchan, Police Academy, Szczytno
dr Anna K. Zubrzycka, Police Academy, Szczytno
dr Anna Rolka, Police Academy, Szczytno
dr Tomasz Siemianowski, Police Academy, Szczytno
dr Michał Stępiński, Police Academy, Szczytno
dr hab. Zofia Wilk-Woś, prof. SAN - chairwoman of the conference
dr Andrzej Marjański, Social Academy of Sciences, Lodz
dr inż. Przemysław Kornacki, Social Academy of Sciences, Lodz
Organising committee
dr hab. Zofia Wilk-Woś, prof. SAN – chairwoman
dr Michał Stępiński - secretary
Makonde. dr Jarosław Truchan
Major SG dr inż. Przemysław Kornacki
dr Andrzej Marjański
Reviewed Publication
Zgłoszone referaty, po pozytywnej recenzji, zostaną opublikowane w numerze tematycznym „Bezpieczeństwo i Zarządzanie Kryzysowe” w czasopiśmie „Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie”.
Submitted papers, after a positive review, will be published in the thematic issue "Security and Crisis Management" in the journal Entrepreneurship and Management.
We plan to issue a monograph before the conference. Therefore, please send full texts of the academic papers in accordance with the editorial requirements given on the website. We warn you that articles sent after this date will not be placed in the current monograph of the Conference.
Publishing rules [download]
The editors reserve the right not to accept texts that do not meet the standards of scientific/academic works, publication rules of SAN Publishing House and texts which in the editorial process will receive one negative scientific review.
Place of conference
Społeczna Akademia Nauk
Łódź, ul. Kilińskiego 98
Conference Programme
10.00 – opening emarks
10.10 - 10.40 - dr Michał Stępiński, SAN Łódź, The impact of the act on anti-terrorist activities on the organization of activities at the place of a terrorist event
10.40 - 11.00 - dr Tomasz Siemianowski, dr Jarosław Radosław Truchan, mgr Konrad Kordalewski, Police Academy, Szczytno, Selected information systems supporting Police activities
11.00 - 11.20 - Michał Siek, SAN, Łódź, Crisis management in a cyber-war perspective
11.20 - 11.40 - Daniel Jurewicz, MA, SAN Łódź, Competences of constitutional state bodies in managing national security
11.40 - 12.30 - discussion panel